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Star Citizen boldly goes where no crowdsourced game has gone before

To $6 million and beyond...

Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts' upcoming space combat game Star Citizen has just ended its crowdsourcing campaign at $6,224,123, shattering the record of any crowdsourced game before it by roughly 50 per cent.

The previous record had been held by Obsidian Entertainment's RPG Project Eternity, which raised $4,127,028 including PayPal donations.

The Star Citizen campaign was so successful that it reached every one of its stretch goals. At $6 million Roberts Space Industries is making the colossal Bengal carrier ship unlocked for persistent online play, ensuring 100 star systems will be available at launch, adding a full orchestral soundtrack, and the first Squadran 42 mission disc, Behind Enemy Lines, will be available to all backers.

This was an unusual crowdsourcing campaign in that it began on Robert's Space Industries website, but it supplemented the campaign with a Kickstarter that funneled into the same coffers. The game ultimately raised $4,091,456 on the official site and $2,132,667 on Kickstarter.

Check out the latest footage of Star Citizen in the spaceport demo below.

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