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Sony's PS4 games aren't going up in dollars

Presumably Europe follows suit but SCEE won't say.

Sony and Microsoft can at least agree on one thing: next-gen game pricing.

Makes it sound a bit like a disease.

First Microsoft said it wouldn't put the price of Microsoft Studios-published games up next generation beyond the $59.99 marker they're already at. Now Sony has echoed that sentiment.

"Correct," a Sony spokesperson told ShackNews, "we have announced the pricing for our first party line-up of PS4 launch and launch-window games. All four titles - Killzone: Shadow Fall, Driveclub, Knack, and inFamous Second Son - are all $59.99."

Presumably the same will happen in Europe and the UK, and games published by Sony or Microsoft won't rise above the typical £49.99 mark. But for the moment Sony Europe is unwilling to set that stance in stone.

"We haven't confirmed pricing for titles in the SCEE region yet," a Sony UK spokesperson told me.

Hah - $60 for Knack!

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