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Sony: We'll never "outspend" Microsoft

But "bullish" about Move/Kinect showdown.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony America's Peter Dille has frankly conceded that his company will never "outspend" rival Microsoft.

His comments referred to the upcoming battle between new motion controllers Move and Kinect.

"I don't think we'll ever outspend Microsoft," Dille told the Seattle Times (via CVG). And Dille doesn't believe Sony has to.

"Our perspective has become much more bullish as we get closer to [Move] launch," he said. "We've had a chance to get people playing our system ... The feedback we've gotten has been unanimous and tremendous. It's, 'I see what you mean about this precision thing.' Our pre-orders continually are ramping up with consumers, retailers want to get more product."

Dille explained that retailers should have plenty of stock, and that selling out would be "a high-class problem to have". Of the launch line-up, Dille predicted that Sports Champions will be the best seller because, like Nintendo's Wii Play, it comes bundled with the motion controller (in the US, not Europe - all bundle details can be found on the European PlayStation blog).

The Seattle Times questioned Dille about various other topics, including that of a PlayStation phone. "No new mobile launches this year," answered Dille. Other areas touched on were acquiring more in-house studios - "You can't buy a new studio every week" - and lowering the price of PS3. To the latter, Dille responded: "We're pretty comfortable with $299. Since we announced that last year, we've been challenged to keep the PlayStation [3] in stock."

Sony's PlayStation Move controller launches a week from now on Friday, 17th September.

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