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Sony launches MyPSN on

Track friends now, Trophy stuff soon.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony has updated with new MyPSN features that allow you to track your friends' online status, create a portable ID and take part in various events.

Your portable ID "contains your PSN avatar, Online ID, current mood, favourite console and more", and can be embedded in forum signatures and elsewhere.

"Over time, the portable ID will evolve to include Trophies and achievements," the MyPSN website adds.

To take advantage of MyPSN, just head to to sign up, after which you can register your PS3, PS2 or PSP and set up preferences.

Overall it looks similar to's Live integration, which is no bad thing. The Microsoft site offers online friends list management and Achievement comparisons, and now allows you to begin downloads from Xbox Live Marketplace remotely, even on premium content.

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