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Someone's leaked Microsoft Flight Simulator gameplay and it looks incredible

UPDATE: And the videos are now gone.

UPDATE 10th Feb 2020: As expected, the leaked Microsoft Flight Simulator footage has been pulled.

The two videos we reported on over the weekend are no longer available on YouTube due to a copyright claim by Microsoft Flight Simulator.

This comes as no surprise - Microsoft Flight Simulator is currently in alpha, and those playing it are bound by a non-disclosure agreement that states videos should not be posted.

I suspect the person playing the game will have had their access revoked, too, given their player ID was clearly viewable in the footage and, in one video, we see the player on camera.

ORIGINAL STORY 8th Feb 2020: Microsoft Flight Simulator is one of most anticipated games of 2020 - and a couple of new gameplay videos have only made me more pumped for the game.

The Microsoft Flight Simulator community is aflutter over two gameplay videos uploaded to a YouTube channel called Jose Carlos (presumably the name of the player). Those currently playing the game aren't supposed to upload gameplay footage, but that hasn't stopped our hero, Jose Carlos - despite their player ID appearing on-screen as a watermark and their face popping up in the corner.

I'm hugely impressed by what I can see here. The interior of the cockpit looks almost photoreal. The chair material and sticks caught my eye! Outside the cockpit, the plane and sky look lifelike.

In the first video Jose Carlos takes us on an uneventful journey of about half an hour, including takeoff and landing. The hum of the flight from within the plane is so calming, I can see myself getting lost in this game for hours. It all looks pretty complex, though. Fingers crossed the autopilot will basically carry me from here to there!

Watch on YouTube

The second video, which is shorter at 23 minutes, is my favourite. Here, Jose Carlos flies through a storm, and we get to see dark clouds, lightning, and rain spraying on the plane window in a realistic fashion.

Watch on YouTube

Microsoft hasn't yet pulled these videos from YouTube, and I really hope the company leaves them online because I quite fancy falling asleep to them tonight.

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