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Sir, You Are Being Hunted reaches its Kickstarter goal

Sir, you have released a new trailer.

Old timey "tweedpunk" survival game Sir, You Are Being Hunted has been successfully funded on Kickstarter.

It's currently raised £41,951, surpassing its goal of £40,000 with 24 days to go before the deadline ends 2nd December.

"We're stunned by how quickly we've hit target," said developer Big Robot in an update. "This money is going to help us turn our prototype into a fully-fledged game of being hunted by robots. Animation and new art will be the priority, and we'll be revealing new NPCs and other details in the coming days."

Big Robot also noted that it will announce stretch goals later today.

Sir, You Are Being Hunted is a survival/horror game set in a procedurally generated British mire, where aristocratic automatons and their robotic hounds hunt humans - such as yourself - for sport. It's being developed by AVSEQ creator James Carey and Rock, Paper, Shotgun's Jim Rossignol.

A new trailer has been released depicting various ways to elude - or engage - your adversaries. Check it out below.

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