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Total War: Rome 2 and Company of Heroes 2 playable at Rezzed next month

Here come the games.

Rezzed, The PC and Indie Games Show returns for a second year this June 22nd-23rd at The NEC building in Birmingham. And now the first playable games have been confirmed.

They include the first public showing of playable code for Creative Assembly's latest and greatest Total War game, Rome 2. Nobody outside of a handful of press and a man tragically dying of cancer have played this hotly anticipated strategy game.

Sega has another blockbuster for the show as well: Company of Heroes 2 - a game given the almost impossible task of following the 10/10 COH1 received in 2006. New studio and IP owner Sega has poured in extra money and allowed extra development time, however, so the sequel has every chance.

Watch on YouTube

That Sega double-header joins a baker's dozen of smaller-scale games confirmed for the show floor. They include the lovely Project Zomboid made by The Indie Stone, as well as the intriguing Sir, You Are Being Hunted by Big Robot.

Rezzed tickets cost £12 for a day or £20 for the weekend, and they're on sale now.

The games of Rezzed so far:

  • Total War: Rome 2
  • Company of Heroes 2
  • Democracy 3
  • Redshirt
  • Ethan Meteor Hunter
  • Revenge of the Titans
  • Droid Assault
  • Ultratron
  • Titan Attacks
  • Sir, You Are Being Hunted
  • Project Zomboid
  • Velocity Ultra
  • Surge
  • Coconut Dodge Revitalised
  • Revenge of the Sunfish 2

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