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PSP "biggest disappointment" of 2010

Retailer: Halo: Reach "biggest surprise".

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony's PSP strategy has been the biggest let-down of the year, according to top US games retailer GameStop.

Senior VP of merchandising and marketing Bob McKenzie told Eurogamer, "If I were to pick a disappointment the only thing would be looking at the number of titles that have launched on the PSP format compared to the prior year.

"I think Sony did a great job two years ago in terms of coming out with a pretty good line-up of PSP offerings and I didn't see that breadth of titles this year. And it's still pretty meaningful to consumers."

Time for the PSP2 then? We couldn't draw McKenzie to comment but rumours have been flying around for the last couple of months about an impending follow-up to Sony's handheld.

At the other end of the spectrum, McKenzie touted Halo: Reach as the biggest surprise package of the year. Amazing as it may seem in the wake of such a successful launch, there was a lot of concern about the title before release.

"Initially the pre-orders we saw were really showing us that it may not be the opportunity that everyone, including Microsoft, was presenting it to be. It was being touted as Halo 4 but obviously without actually being called Halo 4.

"It gave us an opportunity to dig in real deep with our own stores, with some of our field people and then working in conjunction with Microsoft to make sure that we had the educational awareness around the title and consumers understood this really was a different game, that this was something that wasn't just half a game."

Half a game? Could McKenzie be referring to 2009's Halo ODST? Cheeky...

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