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PS3 has become "whipping boy" for press, says Ted Price

Resistance dev responds.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Insomniac Games' Ted Price believes that PlayStation 3 has "become the whipping boy for the press" because "it's human nature to want to take down the guy on top".

It's a view that's bound to be shared by, well, some of you, who think we're unduly mean to Sony, and comes on the heels of Worldwide Studios boss Phil Harrison's claim that we shouldn't judge consoles by their launch titles.

"I think the PS3 has become the whipping boy for the press, quite honestly. I think everyone just wants to fill it full of arrows because Sony's had some pretty amazing success over the years," Price told GameDaily BIZ.

"And it's easy to overlook that it's been, I think, the fastest-selling PlayStation console. I think it's human nature to want to take down the guy on top, and Sony has definitely gotten its share of...mud [laughs] ... but it's unfortunate,"

Price feels criticism of the console personally because Resistance: Fall of Man - Insomniac's well-regarded PS3 launch title - is "synonymous" with the hardware.

In conclusion he said that the Christmas ahead "should provide a lot of unique content to players" (his emphasis), with Insomniac's own Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction "top among them".

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