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Prison Architect tunnelling to PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One

Ready to spring.

Prison Architect will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One this spring, Brit developer Introversion has announced.

This version is being handled by the safe hands at Double Eleven, which previously looked after ports of Limbo and Goat Simulator.

It follows the crowdfunded original for PC, which has been in continuing states of release and development over the past five years.

"The team at Double Eleven approached us with their ideas for how to make the PlayStation 4 Edition and we were really excited about where they wanted to take it," Introversion co-founder Mark Morris wrote in a new update on the EU PlayStation blog.

This new version of the game will include an introductory Prison Warden mode with pre-built prisons, as well as the ability to share and play other people's prison creations.

Here's a look at how it looks:

Watch on YouTube

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