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Prison Architect rakes in nearly $8 million

Not bad for a team of seven people.

Prison Architect, Introversion Software's penitentiary management sim, has generated almost $8 million in revenue, the developer has announced. That's pretty astounding considering the developer consists of only seven people (three directors and four contributors).

This is also pretty remarkable given that the game is still in alpha. Oh, how the times have changed.

"[We're] astonished at how well crowd-funding has worked for us," said the developer in its announcement, noting that its profit is "a figure we would never have dreamed of achieving."

"This investment by our alpha customers is enabling us to turn Prison Architect into the game we envisioned without having to make any creative sacrifices or cut any corners - this is the very reason we're proud to be independent."

Furthermore, Prison Architect's alpha - which came out in September 2012 - has been played by over 250,000 people, which is quite the achievement.

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