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Outcast creators buy IP from Atari, announce franchise revival

Blast from the past.

Remember 1999 PC adventure game Outcast? Well, it looks like it's coming back.

The original creators have announced they've bought the IP from Atari and intend to revive the franchise.

Yann Robert, Franck Sauer and Yves Grolet founded Belgian developer Appeal and created Outcast for release in 1999. In a note to press they said they had "started the revival of the franchise and will soon announce further developments".

Eurogamer reviewed Outcast all those years ago and liked it very much indeed. The mysterious Gestalt awarded it 9/10, saying: "Outcast is a work of art. It looks beautiful and has an emotionally charged storyline filled with all kinds of twists and turns, a wide range of interesting and believable characters to interact with, and tons of atmosphere."

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