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No, Scalebound isn't back in production

"It's something we've all moved past."

Scalebound, the Xbox One console exclusive once in development at Platinum Games, was cancelled three years ago - but in the past year, rumours have persisted of a revival.

One wild piece of speculation floating round the internet of late suggested it could even see a new lease of life for Nintendo Switch. And while there was never any evidence of this, Microsoft has at last set the record straight.

Speaking to IGN, Xbox boss Phil Spencer has said Microsoft was "not working on it" and that it was "something we've all moved past", while admitting regrets over how the game's development unfolded.

It's worth remembering here that Microsoft still owns the Scalebound intellectual property - so this is as good a confirmation as it's possible to get.

"It's a tough one," Spencer said. "I have a ton of respect for Platinum, [director Hideki] Kamiya-san and the team and I feel no ill-will. And we talk to those guys - there's no animosity between the teams. We tried to go do something and it didn't work.

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"I regret we were as public about what we tried to go do. I did some learning around Fable Legends and Scalebound about being public about things before I know we have a real, believable plan that I can hold in my hands and know was going to be there. And we just didn't get there with Scalebound and the team. And I say that about both teams.

"Of course we're going to be a little upset we weren't able to deliver on our goals for that title. We're not working on it. I'm not at Platinum today but I'm almost positive they're not working on it. It's something we've all moved past. It's not something I see as a high point in my role - having to cancel a game we'd talked about for years. But for the people out there thinking there's something still in the works - there's not."

In any case, Platinum now has its hands full with a number of new projects, such as Bayonetta 3, Astral Chain and The Wonderful 101: Remastered, plus the mysterious Project GG.

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