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Nintendo UK not ditching Wii U Basic model despite GameStop withdrawal

Report suggests US chain giving up on 8GB Wii U.

Nintendo has told Eurogamer that it has no plans to ditch the Wii U's Basic 8GB model in the UK, despite a report that US retail giant GameStop was planning to return all of its stock.

"We are unable to comment on rumour or speculation however we can confirm that Wii U Basic continues to be available in the UK," a Nintendo spokesperson said.

A Kotaku report last night contained evidence that the leading North American chain would discontinue selling the 8GB Wii U as of 18th June, leading to speculation that Nintendo was planning to cull the console's less popular model completely.

Adding fuel to the reports was the recent news from Nintendo of Japan of a new, White-coloured Wii U Premium; the colour has so far been reserved for the Basic model.

The possibility remains that Nintendo is planning to drop the 8GB Wii U elsewhere, although such a move would be likelier to happen worldwide.

It's more probable, then, that the US retail giant is simply giving up on the model - a concerning prospect for a store chain of GameStop's size.

Nintendo will divulge more of its Wii U plans during E3, specifically in a pre-recorded broadcast due at 3pm UK time next Tuesday.

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