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Nintendo has "adjusted" Animal Crossing's much-maligned eggs

But they'll be back in force on Easter Sunday.

There's a new patch for Animal Crossing: New Horizons and - thank god, yes - it has targeted the number of eggs.

The game's current Bunny Day egg event has taken over New Horizons, choked many methods of gaining standard crafting materials, and made that wooshy balloon noise a constant menace.

Today, patch version 1.1.4 is available for download and it "adjusts the rate of drops for some eggs until 11th April".

Note the some, not all, there. And for those still hunting eggs, do not worry. They'll be back in force this Sunday. "Eggs will become easier to collect on Easter (12th April)," Nintendo's patch notes state.

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The list of changes describes the above as a "balance adjustment" - and it is a positive sign Nintendo is indeed listening to the fan feedback. This is also the fourth patch in a week for the game - an unusual agileness for the developer.

Animal Crossing's egg event is set to wrap up this Easter Sunday - and nothing will be sweeter than that.

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