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Ninja Theory rules out Enslaved 2

Expansion plans didn't pan out.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Plans for a sequel to last year's underperforming adventure Enslaved: Odyssey to the West have been shelved, according to developer Ninja Theory.

Tameem Antoniades told Edge that it had hoped to expand into a two-team studio, one working on Enslaved 2, the other on DMC. However, given lower than anticipated sales of the original, that hasn't panned out.

"Enslaved should have done better," he admitted. "Right now we should have been doing a sequel and perfecting that sequel and doing what franchises do, which is get better over time.

"[But] because that didn't happen we've not expanded to two teams like we intended to. So we've remained a smaller shop. But now we get another chance with DMC."

Despite largely positive reviews, including an 8/10 from Eurogamer, Enslaved had only sold 730,000 as of April this year.

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