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Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - Premium Edition spotted on Australian classification board

Better late than never, eh?

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West could be getting a "Premium Edition," according to a leak on the Australian classification board.

A new listing for the game's Premium Edition just went up yesterday, which is odd as the game is three years old. Maybe it's trying to capitalise on developer Ninja Theory's recent success with its Devil May Cry reboot earlier this year, but even that's nine months old, making this untimely release still puzzling.

Perhaps this Premium Edition will be a PC port as the original game was released only on Xbox 360 and PS3. We've asked publisher Namco to chime in on this, but it's currently staying mum.

Also unclear is if the Premium Edition will contain Enslaved's DLC, Pigsy's Perfect 10, a stealthy, snipery affair starring the swine-like supporting character, Pigsy, as he goes about trying to build a robot companion.

Still, more Enslaved is better late than never as our Ellie Gibson was quite keen on it. "The excellent storytelling, great acting and fantastic pacing elevate it above the ranks of your average action adventure," she wrote in her Enslaved review. Tom Bramwell, however, was less gung-ho about its DLC.

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