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Ninja Theory confirms it'll keep making console games

After reports indicated Enslaved dev intended to switch fully to mobile.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Enslaved developer Ninja Theory has confirmed it will stick with console development after reports published today suggested it planned to switch fully to mobile.

Ninja Theory boss Tameem Antoniades was reported to have told an audience at the recent Slush business conference in Helsinki that the developer "is heading entirely for mobile".

"The AAA games console model is a little bit broken," reads a direct quote on Edge.

"To us, success is being able to survive. But every now and then you look around at a conference and realise that there's no-one left. That's because of the barriers to entry at the $60 model. The platform holders control the platform and the distribution, the publishers control the marketing and the funding."

However, Ninja Theory told Eurogamer this afternoon that Antoniades' comments reflected his belief in the digital future of gaming - not an intention to ditch console development.

"Today it has been reported that Ninja Theory will exclusively pursue mobile gaming development in the future, however it is important to state that these reports are inaccurate," the company said in a statement.

"Although we are excited by mobile opportunities, and the release of our first mobile title Fightback, we are not making the transition to a mobile only studio. We are currently developing for both console and mobile platforms and plan to do so for the foreseeable future.

"We believe that the future is digital for all gaming, be it console, mobile or any other platform, and this was the intended meaning of the comments that have been reported on."

So, what's Ninja Theory, which made PlayStation 3 exclusive Heavenly Sword for Sony and the Devil May Cry reboot for Capcom, working on?

The Cambridge-based studio is currently making its first mobile game, Fightback, with EA's mobile division Chillingo, and, according to its website, it's also working "on next generation console titles".

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