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Prince of Persia for next-gen

In other news, tomorrow is expected to be Friday.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

It's not likely to come as much of a shock to learn this, but Ubisoft plans to take Prince of Persia with it onto the next generation of games consoles.

Speaking at the retail and press event that took place last week (which, yes, we've been mining for tidbits for a couple of days now - click-hungry bastards that we are), an Ubisoft representative made it clear that with sales of the third game expected to build on already-impressive figures for the first two in the re-awakened series, the French publisher definitely plans to bring the Prince to the next-gen.

The Sands of Time and Warrior Within both having appeared on multiple formats, and Ubisoft's support of all three next-generation platforms confirmed, it seems fair to guess that we'll see it on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Revolution - as well as PC, where the game has also traditionally appeared.

Meanwhile, the third game is due out on PS2, Xbox, Cube and PC in time for Christmas. It's just called Prince of Persia 3 at the moment. Although it had been dubbed "Kindred Blades" at E3, we're now told that this was a mistake and that it will, in fact, be renamed prior to its release.

We're also told to expect some sort of marketing crossover involving Dominos and Pizza Hut. We only mention it, because the chap telling us about this used the phrase, "With every great game comes a great pizza," and then looked hugely embarrassed and apologised. Look forward to that.

We'll have some views on Prince of Persia 3 up soon.

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