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Tecmo reiterates PS3 support

Still hasn't announced owt, mind.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

This week's Famitsu feeding frenzy reveals that Tecmo's going to be announcing some PlayStation 3 games soon.

It's about bloody time of course, since the company originally announced it was working on PS3 games in August 2005.

Quite what we can expect isn't alluded to. Tecmo's Yoshimi Yasuda merely says, "We will announce titles... shortly," in what's described by IGN as a short one-page interview. Apparently Tecmo wants to time the announcements properly.

Tecmo may be best known recently for its collaborations with Microsoft on the Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden titles, but it has a long history of working on Sony formats too. Its Project Zero survival horror series has seen three instalments (the latest of which is due out in Europe from Take-Two on Feb 24th), and it's also responsible for 2003's Rygar PS2 title and Gallop Racer.

Tecmo's also releasing titles on the PSP - Take-Two's putting Trapt out (also on Feb 24th), while Karakuri (aka Tokobots) looked pretty interesting when we saw it at TGS.

More on what Tecmo's up to when Tecmo decides the time is right, presumably.

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