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Aussie DS due in February at surprisingly low price

Nintendo DS due out down under next month at a really low price, casting doubt on European estimates of a late March launch and £130 price point.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Nintendo has announced that the DS handheld will launch across Australia on 24th February and will cost just AUS$199.95 - equivalent to around £81 or €115.

The news comes ahead of the European launch announcement, which Nintendo is expected to make at a Paris press event towards the end of January, and will intensify speculation relating to both launch price and release date. The DS had been expected to go on sale in the UK priced £129.99 towards the end of March.

In light of the Australian announcement, it's even conceivable that the pricing and launch details announcement will come sooner than the Paris event, and that Nintendo will save that event for the launch line-up and other issues.

The Australian software line-up has yet to be announced, but apparently we'll hear more shortly, while Nintendo has confirmed that it will repeat it American trick of bundling the Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt demo with the console in Australia.

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