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'MGS3 is the best Metal Gear Solid game' - Kojima

Hideo Kojima was in London today on the final leg of an MGS3 press tour, and said he felt it was the best of the series. Whether MGS4 will go one better will be hard to say for a while though, as Konami only started work on it last Sunday.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Hideo Kojima believes "Metal Gear Solid 3 is the best Metal Gear Solid game in the trilogy," he said today, adding, "I can probably say the European version is the best version of MGS3".

And it won't have any competition from its successor - which Kojima is not directing - for quite some time, as Konami reps have revealed the development of the game literally only began last Sunday. In other words, we really shouldn't expect to see a trailer at E3 this year.

Kojima, veteran developer and the creative force behind the MGS games, is in London today for the concluding part of Konami's European tour to promote Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, which launched in Europe on 4th March. As you'll see when Konami releases the photographs of him posing with a real snake hanging around his neck.

"MGS3 is the final chapter in the Metal Gear Solid series," he said, reiterating the message that accompanied the announcement of Metal Gear Solid 4 for next-generation consoles during the Berlin leg of the tour recently.

"From the beginning of March we've travelled through Berlin, Paris, Madrid and now we're finally here in London. And it is an honour to be part of the last moment of the last event of my last MGS.

"We've been working on the MGS games for the last ten years, and I'm really happy and confident to present you the final Metal Gear Solid game," he added, before going on to talk about the European extras.

"As you know, the game has been out for a while in other places such as Japan, America and Korea, and we always make Europe wait quite a while, so we've added quite a few things to the European version. We've added a new camouflage pack and face paints, and we've added something called Duel Mode, where you get to fight boss fights independently. Also a couple of extra levels in the Snake vs. Monkey mode. We've also added a thing called Demo Theatre mode, which allows you to view the cut-scenes independently."

He then declared that MGS3 was the best MGS game in the trilogy, before reminding us that the theme of the game is "survival" and inviting the assembled journalists at the Archipelago restaurant in London's West End to tuck into a lunch consisting of snake, locusts and other delicacies.

Unfortunately though, Kojima's favourite part of MGS3 - the noodle packs - were unavailable, something he seemed mildly upset about.

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