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ParaWorld delayed again

It's out in August now.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

ParaWorld, the prehistoric real-time strategy game for PC, has been delayed once again - and is now due out this summer.

According to an official statement, ParaWorld will undergo "a thorough six month quality assurance process" to ensure that the game "provides a unique, unprecedented real-time strategy game experience and meets the highest quality requirements."

The QA process will involve "one of the largest-scale multiplayer tests ever conducted in Germany" and plenty of game balancing, which Adi Boiko - president of developer Sunflowers - reckons is essential.

“For any real-time strategy title, perfect balancing is of utmost importance," Boiko said.

"We want to provide a unique gaming experience which will satisfy game pros as well as delighting occasional gamers due to the highest possible level of user friendliness and easy access. “

ParaWorld puts you in a prehistoric world where three tribes battle it out with each other - and with the local dinosaurs. There are 15 different scenarios to play through, each consisting of five climatic zones - Northlands, Jungle, Savannah, Ice Wastes and Lava. You can also expect seven playable heroes and more than 40 types of dinosaur.

ParaWorld is now slated for a release in late August.

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