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Xbox Video Chat gets Japanese date, price

Up to five people will soon be able to come together and talk to each other via Microsoft's videophone-style software. Amongst other things.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Microsoft has pinned down a Japanese release date for its EyeToy-ish Xbox Video Chat package, featuring headset and camera, which allows up to five people to connect up and engage in videophone-style conference conversations over Xbox Live.

Japanese Xbox owners will be able to get hold of the package on November 25th, priced 7,140yen (around €54). Also, notice how we resisted cracking the "All five Japanese Xbox owners" joke there. We're getting better, no?

Originally announced earlier this year and unveiled properly in June, Video Chat consists of an Xbox Communicator headset as part of a regular 12-month Xbox Live Starter Kit, along with the Xbox Live Camera (looking a bit like a stylish speaker in promotional photographs) and the requisite Video Chat software.

The software itself, which you can catch a glimpse of in these photos/screenshots, looks a bit like a chunkified version of MSN Messenger and will feature mosaic effects, background music and 12 possible wallpaper types for use during chat "sessions". You'll also be able to mute yourself, or possibly others, by the look of the interface. We want visual filters.

Microsoft has yet to officially comment on plans for releasing Video Chat outside Japan, but we'll be sure to let you know when they do.

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