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Bungie hints at E3 excitement

Secrecy annoys them too.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Whether or not Microsoft announces Halo 3 at its pre-E3 conference - and the common consensus is that it will - there will probably be something for Bungie fans to check out judging by a weekly update to the developer's website.

"As for our next project, it continues apace. Lots of progress in every department, from UI to Animation to Engineering and of course, all the way back to audio," said Bungie, having been yacking about audio earlier in the update.

"There are things to see in every department, some rough and ready and some astonishingly smooth, polished and even playable.

"It's really making progress in an exciting and fascinating way. And I can't wait to share that with you properly. The level of secrecy is every bit as oppressive and confining for us as it is for you. Much, much bigger update next week. See you then!" Yeah bye cheers!

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