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DS to get first online RPG

Make Contact, wirelessly.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

It's been revealed that Contact, a new game currently in development for the DS, will work with the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service - making it the handheld's first online RPG.

Contact is being produced by Gouichi Suda, director of Capcom's schizophrenic shooter Killer 7. It follows the adventures of a boy called Cherry who's tasked with helping a nutty professor find all the lost components of his spaceship.

But when Cherry and the professor get separated, it's up to you to help them make contact - do you see - by following the professor's instructions on the top screen, and using the touch screen and stylus to move Cherry around.

Now a Wi-Fi Connection logo has appeared on the Contact website, confirming that the game will feature an online mode - but so far there are no details of how this will work.

Contact is out in Japan next month. A European release has yet to be announced, but let's just say we're optimistic...

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