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Tomb Raider: Legend gets world premiere at Leipzig

Lara fun to be had in Deutschland.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

The world premiere of Tomb Raider: Legend is to be held at the German Games Convention in Leipzig, SCi-dos has announced.

The seventh in the Lara Croft series will be fully playable on the show floor for all attendees to sample - unlike at E3 where Eidos elected to hide its biggest hitter behind closed doors.

Eidos US' director of product marketing Lars Winkler [great name - Ed] was naturally "very proud" to make the GCC the venue for the world premiere, while hastily thumbing through his world atlas to pinpoint the whereabouts of 'Lypzish'.

"Even at the world's largest videogame show in Los Angeles, the 2005 Electronic Entertainment Expo, the game was only shown to a specific few behind closed doors. At the Games Convention, not only will gameplay be shown to the public, but the producers will be there to answer questions as well," he added.

Tomb Raider Legend is the first in the series to be developed by U.S. studio Crystal Dynamics - and the first to have the design input of series creator Toby Gard since the 1996 original.

The game was originally due in time for Christmas on PS2, Xbox and PC, but has subsequently been slipped back to earty next year.

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