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New Star Wars Battlefront 2 trailer shows older Iden Versio and someone else

Look Crait.

EA DICE has put out a new trailer for The Last Jedi content coming to Star Wars Battlefront 2 next week, and in it we get a glimpse at Iden Versio, the game's single-player story protagonist, decades later as an older lady.

I can't think of many games which have a storyline revolving around an older lady, so it's nice to see.

We're also given a glimpse of a person whose identity we've wondered about since the end of Battlefront 2's campaign, if you catch my drift - but there's no groundbreaking revelation to report.

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The game's new, dry, red-dust planet Crait can be seen in the new trailer, as can the stylish new speeders we will be flying around it. We see the game's new heroes Finn and Phasma too.

The Last Jedi content will be free for all Battlefront 2 players although Finn and Phasma will cost credits to unlock.

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