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Modern Warfare 2 definitely out this year

ActiBlizz makes Call of Duty return official.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

In a conference call with investors yesterday, Activision Blizzard laid to rest all the un-fevered non-speculation about the latest candidate for worst-kept secret in games. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is indeed real and will be out this year.

"We will release Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 from Infinity Ward," said Activision Publishing boss Mike Griffith. "2009 is going to be a very exciting year for the franchise as we expect this year's launch is likely going to be the most anticipated title of all of 2009."

The cat was let out of the bag last week when a staffer at Infinity Ward - the developer of the original Call of Duty, COD 4: Modern Warfare and all the other good ones - absent-mindedly Twittered about working the game.

Prior to that, an advertising conference late last year had lifted the lid on the game (thanks to Twitter indiscretion, again), as well as much of the rest of Activision's 2009 line-up.

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