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Microsoft sold 6.6m Xbox consoles in Q4 2014

But how many were Xbox Ones?

Microsoft sold 6.6m Xbox consoles in the quarter ending 31st December 2014, the company announced in its latest earnings report.

So how many Xbox Ones have been sold in total? The truth is out there.

The console manufacturer did not note how many of these were Xbox Ones and how many were Xbox 360s.

Now we know that Xbox One was the top-selling console in both the US and UK in November. It maintained its first-place position in the US through December as well.

Comparatively, Sony sold 4.1m PS4s in the period between 23rd November and 4th January. By those figures, Sony has the edge. So why the discrepancy?

Much of this comes down to the fact that while Microsoft overtook Sony in the US, that's far from the case in Japan, where Microsoft has always struggled to maintain a competitive presence.

Microsoft's 6.6m figure is also spread across three months, so while its temporary price drop in the US from late October to early January may have pushed it forward to first place in November and December, its October sales may not have been so hot.

Overall, Microsoft's Devices and Consumer revenue - which includes Windows Phone, Surface and Bing in addition to Xbox - increased eight per cent with a total of $12.9b in revenue.

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