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MGS5: Ground Zeroes sales triple on PS4 over Xbox One

And I always thought Snake was so fond of boxes.

Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes sold three times as many copies on PS4 than it did on Xbox One, Konami has revealed.

The 'Deja Vu' PlayStation-exclusive bonus mission was a delightfully goofy addition where you must recreate scenes from the first Metal Gear Solid.

While it didn't go into exact sales figures, Konami's latest financial report noted that its software sales for the quarter ending on 30th June consisted of 12 per cent PS4 software, whereas Xbox One software only made up four per cent. Look closely, however, and you'll see that Ground Zeroes is Konami's only game on these platforms, so it's clear what this is referring to.

Of course, Ground Zeroes launched in mid-March, a couple of weeks before the last quarter ended. Looking at this launch window, Ground Zeroes on PS4 made up eight per cent of Konami's software sales for the year ending 31st March 2014, whereas its Xbox One counterpart made up three per cent of such sales.

Konami also noted that it shifted 570K Metal Gear games this quarter compared to the 190K the same time last year. The year ending on 31st March 2014 saw 3.37m sales in the series, compared to 3.15 the year before.

Perhaps the PS4's boost shouldn't be that huge a surprise as our tech experts at Digital Foundry found that it was the superior version of Kojima's latest stealth adventure. "The king of the roost is most certainly the PS4 version, with its slick 1080p presentation marking a clear lead over the maximum 720p possible on Xbox One," said Tom Morgan in our Ground Zeroes Face-Off. "With no PC version in sight for the moment, this is clearly the way to brace yourself for the full Phantom Pain package due late next year."

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