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Lost Planet PC getting Mega Man

Xbox Map Packs set to go free.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Capcom has said that it's preparing a patch for the PC version of Lost Planet: Extreme Condition that will introduce new view modes, multiplayer tweaks and additional characters - including Mega Man.

It's not clear from Capcom's email missive exactly when the patch will tumble down, but it's described as an automatic update, and its release will coincide with the re-launch on Xbox 360 of Map Pack 1 and 2 as free downloads.

The PC changes include a "Resident Evil 4-style" view mode and a new "Wide" view, a "movie mode" for watching the game's cut-scenes back to back, multiplayer updates to allow you to see connected players, "PC Map Pack 1" and new characters, presumably for multiplayer - Jo from Lost Planet itself, Mega Man, and Dead Rising's Frank West.

It'll all stack up to 400MB of data. A good place to keep an eye out for updates would be the Lost Planet community forums, or you can check out our Lost Planet PC gamepage for our review, DirectX 9 versus 10 comparison, trailers and all the rest.

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