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Looks like Destiny is getting a new social space in the Reef

More of House of Wolves expansion two leaks.

Destiny will gain a new social area in its upcoming House of Wolves expansion, according to a fresh set of leaked screenshots.

The new hub will be set within the mysterious Reef location and will presumably act as another space for players to gather, in addition to the game's main Tower.

A map setting for the location can be seen in screenshots posted to Reddit by megamanexe4, the same user who previously spilled details of House of Wolves' missions and guns.

The Reddit user was able to select the location from Destiny's launcher.

But it's not the first time we've spotted mention of a non-combat area set in the Reef. Bungie showed a brief second of footage from the area during a developer diary released back in February in 2013. But the studio has since remained silent on the content, and it failed to appear in the final game.

The area as it looked in February 2013.

House of Wolves, Destiny's second expansion, is due to focus on the Reef and its ruler, The Queen. A new raid is also expected to be set in the remote location. It will be player's first proper visit to the region, outside of cut-scenes.

Other new screenshots show off new Inferno playlists for Destiny's multiplayer mode, which disable level advantages.

Two new single-player missions have also been spotted: a level 30 quest entitled Nightcrawler, and a new level 28 strike named Belly of the Beast. Both are set on the Moon.

"A Fallen Wolfship holding an infamous Walker has touched down in the Ocean of Storms," the new strike's description reads. "Breach the Ketch and see to this Walker's end."

Rewards include an unknown "armour upgrade" as well as XP.

Bungie has yet to set a release date for House of Wolves, but the previous leak pointed to the expansion's content unlocking on 19th May - two months later than Bungie originally planned.

The House of Wolves' new strike.

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