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Live Oculus Rift pre-E3 conference at 6pm UK time

It's a wrap! New controller, new form and (kind of) a release date.

And we're done! The conference brought us a new final form, new controllers and a whole world of new games. Plus Palmer Luckey wearing flip-flops. Next E3's going to have to go a long way to top that.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Robert Purchese

There are those "ancient" concept images Palmer Luckey was talking about. Will the final version look at all similar?

Robert Purchese

Martin Robinson

I found an even earlier prototype.

Martin Robinson

In all seriousness, I hope we've all learned our lessons about letting monkeys/cats/pets play with VR after all that messiness first time round.

Martin Robinson

Don't want to see anyone tonight being rushed down on stage by a talking chimp, bellowing 'not so lucky now, ey, Palmer?'.

Martin Robinson

Toaster05: Guess the RRP sweepstakes anyone?

I'm going with £400!

Martin Robinson

A_FAN: @vertigo are you going to post utter bollocks into every conference again this year. and then get all upset and weird when people do it to the nintendo stuff?

Hey, that's my job.

Martin Robinson

A_FAN: its going to be really trick to convey the VR experience on stage. really looking forward to getting to try one myself

It's a big problem for VR in general - until you've actually tried it, it's just watching people in silly headsets.

Martin Robinson

The muzak has begun, the traditional sign that it's time to get hype.

Martin Robinson

blarty: Here's hoping for a quick cameo by Pierce Brosnan and Jeff Fahey.

I just want to see that monkey.

Martin Robinson

The Doors are 10 minutes away! Those guys know how to put on a show.

Martin Robinson

Toaster05: Let's be honest though if Oculus want to show what Rift is all about and what the average consumer wants we should be getting a live sex show in 20mins time.

I've heard that's pretty much what Microsoft's conference next week will be too, to be fair.

Martin Robinson

So, what to expect.

Martin Robinson

Final form factor, release date, price and controller.

Martin Robinson

Toaster05: Not to be a stickler but going by your previous linked image surely you mean 'Chimp'?

Yes. Yes I did.

Martin Robinson

Which is all well and good, but I just want to see what it looks like when it's worn by a chimp.

Martin Robinson

For the doubters in the comments, Lawnmower Man plays hosts to chimps.

Martin Robinson

I won't be drawn in to the chimps or monkeys debate. Not here. Not like this.

Martin Robinson

Where do they get their tunes for these conferences?

Martin Robinson

It makes me feel like I've just paid £12 for a gin and tonic.

Martin Robinson

We're go, that O subsides into the background and Brendan Iribe walks onto the stage.

Martin Robinson

Looking like he's just walked out of an episode of Silicon Valley, rocking the hoodie and shirt combination.

Martin Robinson

He looks so rich.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, some scene setting first about how we've got to VR, and leaning on what looks like Crytek's VR demo with the dinosaur.

Martin Robinson

'Imagine that T-Rex comes crashing through this theatre'. Oh god, he's going to do a King Kong, isn't he? You've gone too far, Oculus, too far.

Martin Robinson

No-one's ever unleashed a dinosaur in a press conference before.

Martin Robinson

There was that time Ubisoft unleashed a load of rabbits on to the stage.

Martin Robinson

They just looked scared and did a little bit of crapping.

Martin Robinson

Sorry, while I was reminiscing we're seeing the final form of Oculus. It's sleek!

Martin Robinson

And actually quite small. It *looks* light.

Martin Robinson

Comfortable presents. The best kind.

Martin Robinson

'Maybe not quite as high resolution as you'd want, but this is the beginning'. Admirable honesty.

Martin Robinson

dogmanstaruk: Not fan of shirt under hoodie.

On the outside he's all relaxed, but beneath that it's BUSINESS.

Martin Robinson

The audio side is interesting, and something that hasn't been touched upon much before.

Martin Robinson

The Rift has an integrated audio system. Brendan's just obsessed with this dino, who we're returning to.

Martin Robinson

You'll hear his little booties coming towards you. The dinosaurs, that is, not Brendan's.

Martin Robinson

Headphones are removable.

Martin Robinson

Balance and general ergonomics have been improved. It looks very different to the developer kits we've seen before.

Martin Robinson

Iribe's eyes are too close together. I'm not being mean. He just admitted that.

Martin Robinson

He does look like a cut-rate JJ Abrams though. Now I am being mean.

Martin Robinson

We're on to the meat now - the inputs, or the controllers we'll be using with the Rift.

Martin Robinson

Ha. It's an Xbox One controller.

Martin Robinson

An amazingly underwhelmed round of applause. That doesn't seem like much of a solution.

Martin Robinson

But! Phil Spencer's onstage. They're partnering with Microsoft, which is of course significant.

Martin Robinson

Phil's wearing two watches, a nice knitted top and he's puffing his chest out like the proud pigeon that he is.

Martin Robinson

You show 'em Phil.

Martin Robinson

Windows 10 integration is part of it, and you can stream Xbox One games to Oculus Rift.

Martin Robinson

It's a 'Virtual Cinema' rather than real VR integration, it seems.

Martin Robinson

Well, now you can wear a hat in your living room that makes you think you're in a living room.

Martin Robinson

That's all a bit meta for my tastes.

Martin Robinson

A shame not to see a more imaginative controller solution - Sony, with Move, and Vive with their own efforts, won't feel threatened. There'll hopefully be more Oculus solutions on the way.

Martin Robinson

Jason Rubin, formerly of Naughty Dog, takes to the stage.

Martin Robinson

Crash Bandicoot VR? Crash Team Racing VR? SHENMUE 3?

Martin Robinson

CCP's Hilmar! He's a man.

Martin Robinson

EVE Valkyrie still is at the forefront of Oculus' gaming pretensions.

Martin Robinson

You can relive the magic of the reveal over here, should you wish.

Martin Robinson

Nothing significant new to share on Valkyrie, it seems, beyond a new trailer.

Martin Robinson

Although I swear I've seen this trailer before.

Martin Robinson

Bedders: If this is the same clip from Fanfest, it's immense.

Ah, looks like it is.

Martin Robinson

Gunfire Games next.

Martin Robinson

Formerly Vigil, who worked on Darksiders, and they're showing off what they've been up to.

Martin Robinson

Ico-esque and third person, which is interesting for a VR game.

Martin Robinson

In that it doesn't really look like a VR game at all, and more like a traditional console game.

Martin Robinson

Oh god I don't want to type anything cruel because he already looks like he's going to cry.

Martin Robinson

But... Well... I struggle to see how that's playing to VR's strengths. It looks like it's just ended up on Oculus.

Martin Robinson

THEY'RE ALL AT IT. Ted Price, wearing one of his trademark oversized shirts, announces third-person adventure Edge of Nowhere, an Oculus exclusive from Insomniac.

Martin Robinson

Well, they're much smarter people than I so there must be something in this third-person VR thing.

Martin Robinson

High Voltage are doing Damaged Core, Sanzaru are doing VR Sports Challenge.

Martin Robinson

Some big-ish names, all working games that will be available next year.

Martin Robinson

Harmonix are onboard, as are Climax and Square Enix. They're just the biggest names I spotted there. Not biggest type-wise. Oh, you know what I mean.

Martin Robinson

Anna Sweet on-stage now, formerly of Valve.

Martin Robinson

And talking about how Rift's an open platform, with anyone able to make games thanks to Unity and Unreal.

Martin Robinson

So just about anyone can make their own third-person VR adventure?

Martin Robinson

Indies will be key to Oculus' success - as they have been during its incubation.

Martin Robinson

And Oculus is throwing $10m out there to help new developers.

Martin Robinson

Handsome Nate Mitchell now, who's gone for a figure-hugging shirt and just the merest hint of bare chest. Hawt.

Martin Robinson

And he's introducing Home, the hub and virtual environment for Rift.

Martin Robinson

There will be VR previews of the game, rather than trailers, that give you little tasters.

Martin Robinson

More announcements coming at Connect 2 this September, and now Brendan's back on-stage.

Martin Robinson

Are we getting a release date and price?

Martin Robinson

Hmm, kind of - Q1 2016.

Martin Robinson

That's after Vive, but most likely before Morpheus.

Martin Robinson

Money now please.

Martin Robinson

But no price it seems.

Martin Robinson

Ah, looks like we'll get a proper look at the input solution now from Palmer 'I should be so' Luckey.

Martin Robinson

He's sporting the slightly rusty t-shirt, jeans and blazer combo. So much to learn, young Palmer.

Martin Robinson

Called Oculus Touch, it looks similar to Valve's solution.

Martin Robinson

A pair of track controllers, code-named Half Moon.

Martin Robinson

Bratterz: Hand presents!

The best presents!

Martin Robinson

It's a mix of traditional inputs and more gesture-based inputs.

Martin Robinson

Two buttons, analogue triggers and a hand trigger - plus haptics for force feedback.

Martin Robinson

Hang on.

Martin Robinson

I'm getting unconfirmed reports that he's wearing flip-flops.

Martin Robinson

I... I... I don't think I've ever seen the like at E3 before.

Martin Robinson

Oculus has come here, and they've changed the game. They've totally changed the game. Can you actually see his toes?

Martin Robinson

Oh, and those controllers look quite good.

Martin Robinson

That's a wrap, it seems.

Martin Robinson

In summary, dinosaurs, presents and sandals. There's your headline.

Martin Robinson

No price though, sadly - we'll likely have to wait some time for that.

Martin Robinson

Join us next week, where from 3am on Monday morning we'll be keeping a keen eye on the footwear of the great and good at E3.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

Good night everyone.

Martin Robinson

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