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Kojima inadvertently teases PlayStation-exclusive content for MGS: Ground Zeroes

Will we get to hunt more escaped apes?

Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima has inadvertently teased PlayStation-exclusive content for Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, the prologue to MGS5: The Phantom Pain.

Squint. Right there, in the corner...

In Kojima's tweet of the game's poster one can barely make out a plaque in the corner detailing some of the prologue's selling points (larger version available here, via NeoGAF). These include: "Multiple missions with central story and side-ops missions," that the game "takes place in 1975 after Peacewalker and nine years before The Phantom Pain," and most excitingly, it contains "exclusive content for PlayStation platform."

Unfortunately there's no telling exactly what this content will be. We've requested comment from Konami, but given how this info came out, we're not holding our breath on much clarification. Last time a multi-platform MGS game received PlayStation-exclusive content, it involved Snake hunting the Ape Escape simians in a separate challenge mode in Metal Gear Solid 3 - granted that game was exclusive to PS2 when it launched. It was only the later 3DS version of the game that added Yoshi toys to the campaign.

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes will launch in the spring for £19.99 digitally on PS3 and Xbox 360, while its PS4 and Xbox One versions will cost £29.99, both digitally and as a retail version.

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