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John Carmack to get this year's BAFTA Fellowship award

C++ for acceptance speech.

Legendary and maybe part-machine programmer John Carmack will receive this year's BAFTA Fellowship award, joining the likes of Gabe Newell, Shigeru Miyamoto, Will Wright and many others. He'll receive the award at the BAFTA Games Awards 7th April in London - an event happening alongside EGX Rezzed.

Carmack, left, in his pin-up early id Software days.

Carmack co-founded id Software and was instrumental in the creation of Doom and Quake and Wolfenstein - games that defined an industry - and was the architect of the engines that powered them. It was the Quake 2 engine, with its out-of-the-box hardware-accelerated graphics support, that really kickstarted the whole graphics card arms race. Anyone own a Voodoo2?

Carmack was also instrumental in the rise of virtual reality. He struck up a relationship with some bloke called Palmer Lucky that led to that E3 2012 VR demonstration of Doom 3 BFG Edition running on a prototype headset that turned out to be an early Oculus Rift. The rest is history.

Today Carmack works full-time with Oculus VR as chief technology officer, having departed his decades-old role at id Software in 2013.

Frankly, it's a surprise he hasn't been awarded a Fellowship before.

So that's John Carmack, who's not to be confused with really-quite-nice chocolate bar Caramac, and a man whose tweets I'll never understand.


I know - like, I've been saying this for years!

This one, though: wouldn't it be great if it came true?

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