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Jill Valentine has some great lines in Resident Evil Resistance

"That was close! I almost became a Jill sandwich!"

Resident Evil Resistance, the multiplayer portion bundled with the Resident Evil 3 remake, added Jill Valentine to the game - and players are enjoying her new dialogue.

Jill is a survivor character, which means she's available to play as part of a team who tries to escape the clutches of the mastermind player. While Jill has some fantastic lines in the Resident Evil 3 remake - her "bitch can't even swim" quip to Nemesis is an instant meme - voice actor Nicole Tompkins plays it mostly serious in the main game. But in Resistance, Tompkins is having a lot more fun, and ramps up the cheese to great effect.

"That was close! I almost became a Jill sandwich!" is perhaps my favourite of her new lines.

Ok Resistance is 10/10 now from r/residentevil

This of course references perhaps the most iconic line of dialogue from the first Resident Evil game:

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Twitter user @TheSphereHunter made a video compilation of some of Jill's more lighthearted lines in Resistance. I especially like "ooh, a scary locked door".

When Jill bursts through a locked door, she quips: "It'll take more than that to stop me, the Master of Unlocking."

This is of course a reference to that most iconic of lines from Resident Evil:

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Jill's proving a popular choice in Resistance right now, which is unsurprising given the popularity of the character. The multiplayer mode isn't everyone's cup of tea, and the addition of Jill doesn't all of a sudden fix Resistance's problems, but clearly Capcom has a plan to add popular Resident Evil characters to the game to spark interest. Jill's certainly doing the trick. Who's next? Leon? Claire?

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