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Japanese PSP gets TiVo bits

New firmware due on 18th.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony is preparing a PSP firmware update for 18th December, although most of the new features appear to be for the Japanese market.

Version 3.8 will introduce the ability for Japanese gamers to record TV programmes using the PSP's 1seg tuner, although they won't be able to play games, watch other programmers or browse the web while the PSP is doing so.

What they will be able to do is select programmes from the 1seg channel guide and when tell the PSP to go to sleep when it's finished recording.

3.8 will also allow Japanese PSP owners to access the PlayStation Spot service for downloadable demos via using Yahoo BB Mobile Points around the country.

Over and above that, there's the promise of an Internet radio player, which is probably good for some of that Internet radio you sometimes hear about.

Poke around the Famitsu website for more of the Japanese take on the story, and watch out for more details nearer the 18th.

When we spoke to Sony UK just now, a spokesperson confirmed that an update is planned for the 18th worldwide, although whether we'll get as much interesting stuff out of it is yet to be established.

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