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Jaffe "happy" with Ratner directing GoW

"I actually really like X-Men 3."

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Image credit: Eurogamer

David Jaffe has said he is "happy" with the choice of Brett Ratner as director of the God of War film.

Ratner, responsible for the Rush Hour trilogy and X-Men: The Last Stand, confirmed his role on the project at a Hollywood party recently.

"I really like Red Dragon, I really like the first Rush Hour, I actually really like X-Men 3. I'm not one of these Ratner haters who says, 'Oh the guy can't direct,' - I think he makes really entertaining movies," said Jaffe in a filmed response to the news (spotted by VG247).

"God of War was meant to be this totally accessible, mainstream equivalent of a popcorn summer blockbuster action movie. When you look at the directors who really do that well... I'm happy with the choice of Brett Ratner."

The God of War film is still in its infancy, and being put together by a team made up of a Producer from Batman Begins and writer David Self, who did the screenplay for Road to Perdition, which we quite liked.

Jaffe seems content, then, and excited to see what comes out when an entertaining director and mature writer are mixed together. But there is a slight twang of regret.

"Would it have been cool if it was [Steven] Spielberg? Yeah. Ridley Scott? Yeah, that would have been awesome. You know, Guillermo [del Toro] would have been awesome," said Jaffe.

"But I don't look at Brett Ratner and say we're going to have a sh*t movie. Obviously the proof will be in the pudding, we'll see what happens."

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