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Jack Thompson kicked out of the law

Outspoken legal man to be disbarred.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Outspoken US attorney Jack Thompson is to be permanently disbarred, meaning he can no longer practice law.

John Bruce Thompson, to give him his full name, has 30 days to tie up loose ends before the ruling comes into effect, according to Kotaku. He also has a chance for retrial.

Unsurprisingly, Thompson has already raged against the Judge's decision. He called the disbarment "retaliation" for a book he wrote about the Florida Supreme Court's attempt to "pathologise his faith-based and successful activism against the American entertainment industry".

"This rush to disbarment is in retribution for the filing of that federal suit. With enemies this foolish, Thompson needs only the loyal friends he has," reads the statement.

Jack Thompson had his legal licence revoked in Alabama back in 2005, after a Judge ruled that he was "unable to conduct himself in a manner befitting practice in this state".

Jack Thompson has historically been most vocal against Take-Two and the Grand Theft Auto series of games. So much so that the publisher made the first move in the run up to GTA IV's launch and pre-emptively gagged Thompson before he could stop the sale of the titles in Florida.

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