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Introversion reveals future of Prison Architect alpha

Has made over $350,000 already.

Prison Architect, the prison sim from Introversion, will remain in alpha for "quite some time", the developer has confirmed.

In a post outlining the future of the alpha version of the game, the UK indie developer said its main focus is on adding major new features, "some of which are nearly finished, and some of which haven't even been started".

Underpinning these changes is the new Sector system, which divides the prison space up into self contained spaces surrounded by walls and doors. The first version of this is in the Alpha2 of the game, which released a few days ago.

"We can't say for certain how often we will be releasing new alphas, but it should feel pretty regular," Chris Delay wrote.

"Probably somewhere between two and four weeks between each update is what we will be aiming for, and as we proceed we will learn more about that process. We can't wait to get started on some of the new features we have planned. Stay in touch, talk to us in the forums and on Twitter, and tell your friends about our game."

Meanwhile, Introversion has disclosed sales and revenue figures for the game. In the first four weeks of the paid alpha being available, Introversion has enjoyed 10,000 sales and over $360,000 in revenue.

"It's fair to say these sales are way beyond our expectations," Delay said.

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