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How to get Murmuring Obols in Diablo 4

Where to find this useful currency.

Murmuring Obols in Diablo 4 - now playable via Game Pass - are what you'll need to purchase randomised gear from Purveyor of Curiosities vendors, and this includes Legendary drops.

These Obols are a currency that you can also spend on other items such as Whispering Keys, which open up Silent Chests - another potential source of Legedary gear.

To assist you on your adventures throughout Sanctuary, we've run through how to get Murmuring Obols in Diablo 4 below, as well as how to upgrade Murmuring Obols capacity, and what the Purveyor of Curiosities Murmuring Obols prices are.

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How to get Murmuring Obols in Diablo 4

All of the ways we know of that you can get Murmuring Obols in Diablo 4 are:

  • World Events
  • Dungeon Events
  • Cellar Events
  • Quest rewards
  • Murmuring Caches

World Events

The best way to get Murmuring Obols in Diablo 4 is to complete events. The most common events are World Events, marked by an orange circle on your map, but they're not a guaranteed occurrence.

However, unless you're having server issues, there's likely a World Event happening somewhere on the map, so keep an eye out for that orange circle if you want a quick way to get more Murmuring Obols. Just keep in mind that World Bosses like Ashava don't count as World Events.

It's also worth noting that if you complete the bonus objective, you get even more Obols. The exact amounts vary, depending on what World Tier you're playing on, so it's a good idea to keep an eye on the right-hand side of the screen while in a World Event to see what the bonus objective is.

Dungeon and Cellar Events

Dungeon and Cellar Events mostly work the exact same as World Events, but there are some bonus activities in Dungeons like Cursed Chests, Cursed Shrines, and the terrifying Butcher that don't seem to reward Murmuring Obols in our experience. So stick to completing objectives in the orange circles if you're only after Obols.

These symbols tell you where to find Dungeons.

Quest rewards

We've also got some Murmuring Obols by completing side quests like the Secret of the Spring, but these might be randomised rewards.

Murmuring Caches

Opening quest chests and speaking with NPCs to complete side quests will sometimes give you Murmuring Obols, but you'll also have to claim them occasionally by opening Murmuring Caches from your inventory.

We've only received Murmuring Caches as side quest rewards, but it might be possible to get them from other sources as well.

Murmuring Caches can be opened from this inventory screen.

How to upgrade Murmuring Obols capacity in Diablo 4

It's a good idea to continuously spend your Obols as you get them because they're fairly easy to farm with Events, and they have a maximum cap, so you can't just save them all up and spend them at once.

However you can save them for longer if you increase your maximum Obol cap. To upgrade your Murmuring Obols capacity in Diablo 4 you have to claim Renown rewards and find certain Altar of Lilith statues.

The Renown Obol capacity upgrade, however, isn't available until you unlock World Tier 3, so if you're just starting out we recommend finding Altars of Lilith instead of farming Renown to increase your Murmuring Obol Capacity.

Diablo 4 Purveyor of Curiosities Murmuring Obols prices

For quick reference, here's all of the Purveyor of Curiosities Murmuring Obols prices in Diablo 4:

  • One-Handed weapons - 50 Obols
  • Two-Handed weapons - 75 Obols
  • Cap - 40 Obols
  • Tunic - 40 Obols
  • Gloves - 40 Obols
  • Boosts - 40 Obols
  • Pants - 40 Obols
  • Amulet - 60 Obols
  • Ring - 60 Obols
  • Whispering Key - 20 Obols

All the best getting Murmuring Obols in Diablo 4, and if you're on the lookout for more on Diablo 4, be sure to check out some of our class build guides on Sorcerer, Necromancer, and more, as well as our full tips and guides page.

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