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Here's when raids are coming to Fallout 76

Raid to measure.

Raids are coming to Fallout 76 from 20th August, 2019.

At a QuakeCon panel yesterday (thanks, PC Gamer), Fallout 76 project lead Jeff Gardiner confirmed the four-player co-op missions will launch in Vault 94 next month, with at least one other raid slated for a different Vault expected to arrive "in the not too distant future".

Describing the inaugural raid as "very puzzle-based", Gardiner revealed each raid will have three difficulty options. As you might well expect, the higher the difficulty you play the greater the rewards, plus you'll also find yourself up against a timer, too, just to make things a little trickier. While Gardiner explicitly confirmed raids can be completed by solo players, it's likely to be a significant challenge.

Gardiner also revealed new power armour called "Potted Plant", a stealth-based armour fashioned with ferns to make it easier to creep around without being seen. Collect the whole set - only possible if you repeat raid run-throughs, of course - and you'll unlock a an additional bonus, the first such perk to come to the game.

As part of its Doom Eternal QuakeCon keynote this weekend, id Software revealed more of the game's intriguing new asymmetrical multiplayer experience, Battlemode. We also had early reports that you need a Bethesda account to play the original Doom and Doom 2 on Nintendo Switch, but Bethesda later confirmed this is optional, and the developer is working on a fix.

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