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Here's what SteamWorld Heist looks like in action

The great spacecoach robbery.

SteamWorld Dig developer Image & Form has taken the series in an odd direction by creating a spin-off rather than a sequel to its breakout platformer. Dubbed SteamWorld Heist, this next game in the series is a turn-based strategy affair and Image & Form has finally released gameplay footage of its next outing in action.

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This latest footage shows Captain Piper and his scrappy team board an enemy vessel and attempt to murder its crew and scavenge the craft for parts. Due to the 2D side-on perspective, it can be a little difficult to tell what surfaces your bullets will and won't penetrate, but hopefully that will make more sense after a tutorial. Just as importantly, the robots simply look really cool.

SteamWorld Heist is due this autumn on Xbox One, PS4, Vita, Wii U, 3DS and Steam. Alternatively, SteamWorld Dig is still set to arrive on Xbox One for an estimated May release.

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