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Here's a taste of what Eurogamer Supporters are getting this month

A fresh plate of steaming hot crab on the floor?

A crab with its pincers in the air like it just don't care. It could be at a crab music festival, but actually it appears to be alone on a lovely beach.
Image credit: Adobe Stock / gudkovandrey

We've had some lovely things for Eurogamer supporters since refreshing the offering, and we've got some exciting plans for the weeks ahead too, including the first proper behind the scenes-style podcast that's only for supporters. If you are one of those supporters, you should have seen an email about it, asking for questions we can answer during the podcast, and it's not too late to send them in. Look for that podcast to air the week of 10th May.

We had the first Emma's Adventures column a few weeks' back. This is a series written by Emma Kent, who has a knack for pursuing bizarre ends in online games. Case in point, her making a fashion boutique in the contested wastelands of Fallout 76.

Wrote Emma: "Establishing a fashion store in Fallout 76 was, obviously, never the main goal when I returned to Fallout 76 this year. In the middle of my investigations into whether the game had improved since launch (the answer: sorta), I realised that I had accidentally dressed my character as a rugged version of Anna Wintour - the global editor-in-chief of Vogue, and the inspiration behind The Devil Wears Prada's Miranda Priestly. It seemed only right, then, that I should fully lean into this role, and create my very own fashion boutique in the middle of the wasteland..."

Did you ever hear about Emma carol singing in Rust? She hooked up a real piano and everything. I think it's the gunfire in the background that really adds a special festive spice, though.Watch on YouTube

The next Emma's Adventure arrives this week - Friday, 28th April. And this time, it's Elden Ring she's immersed herself in, with an equally inadvisable idea. Here's a snippet from the beginning - it's one of the best introductions I've ever read.

"In the wild, abandoned wastes of the Consecrated Snowfield, a warrior stands on the precipice of a frozen ledge, his broad frame silhouetted against a soulless sky. His ragged cloak lifts in the wind, catching slightly on his armour. The crunch of snow behind him betrays the footsteps of something living, and he turns to face his opponent. Another challenger is approaching. Foolish.

"The warrior unsheathes his sword, dull edges twisted and curled from the brutal force of previous collisions. Dark red lines have dried into the hilt. He mutters an incantation under his breath, bracing his body for the bone-shuddering impact of battle. The two figures circle each other, pausing just outside of striking range. For a moment, even the cruel wind stills, lessening her fury to watch the duel below. Then the veteran lets out a cry, raising his terrible blade to land the first blow. But to his horror, his opponent has already moved. An unfamiliar stab of fear runs through the warrior. He looks to the ground.

"A fresh plate of steaming hot crab is on the floor."

I wonder what she's up to... I won't say any more for fear of spoiling it.

Elsewhere, I'm sure you've noticed our weekly Five of the Best and Game of the Week articles, and I've really enjoyed the discussions that are bubbling up around them, particularly in recent weeks for Five of the Best Dragons, and Swords. Clearly they are subjects that can support dozens of examples, not just five.

Game of the Week, meanwhile, is a series that celebrates both games released that week and games that are particularly topical or, indeed, timeless. We celebrated Tetris, the game of forever, alongside the release of the newish Apple TV Tetris film (which I found quite enjoyable actually), for example.

We're also working on more key giveaways for yearly Eurogamer supporters, like the Hitman World of Assassination giveaway we did (we still have some left!), and we hope to have those new keys available soon. Keep your eyes peeled, though we will give you plenty of notice when they do appear.

That's what's been going on in Supporter land and what's coming in the weeks ahead. A big thank you to those of you who've been with us so far - we really appreciate your support.

Remember, it's £3/$3 a month to support Eurogamer, or £30/$30 a year. For that, you get all of the things I talked about above - Emma's Adventures, Five of the Best, Game of the Week, an exclusive podcast, key giveaways - as well as no adverts on Eurogamer, discounts on merch and EGX tickets, "supporter" status when commenting, and access to Ask Me Anythings, which we're planning on doing soon.

Oh and also remember that there's a Eurogamer Discord, where staff and readers lurk alike. Come say hi!

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