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We're lowering the price of the Eurogamer supporter programme

To give you more for less, basically.

A close-up of the Eurogamer website support button, with the mouse cursor hovering over it.
Image credit: Eurogamer

When we introduced our supporter programme about a year-and-a-half ago, we knew it might take some time to get right. That's why we refreshed the offering several months ago and why we're doing it again, today. For those of you who have been on the journey with us, thank you - your support really means a lot to us.

The biggest change is we're lowering the price and simplifying it. So whereas there used to be two tiers, priced £3.99 and £5.99, now there's only one. And for the new price of £2.99/$2.99 a month, or £29.99/$29.99 a year, you get everything that's included and it's as simple as that.

Note that if you're already a supporter and you've paid for an annual membership, you'll be refunded the difference depending on how long your subscription has left to run.

What's included in the supporter programme is evolving slightly, but don't worry, there's now more rather than less. And rest assured that our bread-and-butter Eurogamer offering - the games coverage we hope brought you here in the first place - will continue unaffected, and we'll keep pushing it to make it as good as it can be.

So what do you get for £2.99 a month? Well, one of the main things has always been giving people a way to read Eurogamer without adverts, because we know you don't like them, so ad-free viewing remains a fundamental part of what the supporter programme is about. It's not going anywhere.

Wes and I talk through the changes to the supporter progamme, adding some more detail to what you're reading here.

In terms of content, our weekly Game of the Week and Five of the Best series will continue - FOTB is a pet project of mine and I love that I've been able to bring it back - but the newsletter will be going away. And there's something new. I'm delighted to announce we're adding a monthly column to the supporter programme and that we've coaxed Eurogamer favourite Emma Kent back to write it.

If you don't know, Emma worked here for a few years, and what she was great at was finding unusual things to do in online games and then writing all about them. I'm talking about hooking up a piano to sing Christmas carols to people in Rust, for example, or opening a fashion boutique in the contested wasteland of Fallout 76. She was telling me recently about some of the other ideas she had and, let me tell you, they get better and better. Look for Emma's first column in the last week of March.

I'm also really pleased to announce we'll be doing another key giveaway for supporters, and we'll be doing it tomorrow! That's Thursday, 16th March in case you're reading this in the future.

We'll be giving away PlayStation keys for the wonderful Hitman World of Assassination, which bundles the entire recent Hitman trilogy into one game and includes the new Freelancer mode. The keys are redeemable on PS4 and PS5, and are available to anyone who has an annual Eurogamer membership, whether that's existing or new. But be aware we have a limited amount of keys so claim one quick.

And if you're interested in Hitman, check out the piece I published the other day about how IO managed to completely turn the Hitman series around. There's a podcast interview to go with it, too.

Speaking of podcasts - oh nice segue, Bertie - we're adding a new one especially for supporters. This one will take a look behind the scenes at Eurogamer and discuss in more detail the thinking behind the things we do. It'll be monthly and feature a rotating panel of people who work here, and be hosted by me. And as an example of what to expect, have a listen to the podcast in this piece, discussing the relaunched supporter programme.

We're also bringing back Ask Me Anythings (AMAs) for supporters, where you'll have a chance to ask questions about the work we do. These will take place live on the site and we'll give you plenty of heads-up time before they do.

Oh and a quick reminder there's a Eurogamer Discord where you can talk to us too. I'm always there, waffling on, and other staff members drop in from time to time as well.

In addition to all of that, supporters get discounts on Eurogamer merch and tickets to the EGX gaming shows run by our parent company ReedPop. And you'll continue to get special 'supporter' status when commenting on Eurogamer articles.

That's it. I really hope you like the new price and offering, and if you have any questions about it, I'll do my best to answer them in the comments below. Thanks!

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