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Heavenly Sword demo finished

Ninja Theory waiting on Sony.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

The demo for Heavenly Sword is finished and waiting on Sony for a PlayStation Network release date.

News comes from developer Ninja Theory's forum, where studio co-founder Mike Ball told fans that work on it had finally been completed.

"Well, let me just tell you all that the dev team has finished work on the demo," he said. "That's it, it's in the bag."

"So now it's a case of Sony deciding when they feel is the best time to release it to PlayStation Network."

Heavenly Sword is one of the biggest titles on PS3 this year, and was on show last week in Santa Monica at E3 2007.

It's a third-person action game with God of War-like combat and what is promised to be an emotional and cinematic story - directed and voiced by Andy "Gollum" Serkis. It's even got brain-box WETA involved, the visual effects studio made famous by its work on Peter Jackson's Lord of The Rings.

We recently had a chin-wag with one of the other co-founders and designer at Ninja Theory, Tameem Antoniades. Head over to our Heavenly Sword interview to see what he had to say.

Unfortunately Sony was unavailable to comment at the time of writing.

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