Halo 4 Crimson map pack, Extraction game mode out 10th December for 800 MS Points
Wreckage, Harvest and Shatter.

The first map pack for Halo 4, Crimson, launches on 10th December for 800 Microsoft Points, Microsoft has announced.
The map pack is the first of thee add-ons that come as part of the War Games season pass. The second releases in February 2013 and the third in April 2013.
The three maps are Wreckage, Harvest and Shatter. Wreckage is a medium-sized asymmetrical map great for King of the Hill and Capture the Flag, Microsoft said. It supports up to 16 players in Infinity Slayer and up to 12 players in other modes.
Harvest is a small to medium-sized map ideal for Capture the Flag, Microsoft said. It supports up to 12 players in Capture the Flag, Infinity Slayer, King of the Hill, SWA and Slayer Pro.
And Shatter is a large, symmetrical map that is a “playground” for Warthog and Mantis lovers. It's a good fit for Dominion and Extraction (more on this later). Shatter supports up to 16 players in Infinity Slayer and up to 12 players in other modes.
Extraction will be added to Halo 4 multiplayer online matchmaking on 10th December. It's a five versus five objective-based game type where teams have to extract assets from sites around the map. Once a team has found a site they much plant their beacon and protect it from the opposing team during the extraction process. If the defending team remains in control of the beacon they receive one point. If the other team overtakes the site before the extraction is complete the point goes to them. The first team to extract five points wins.
Crimson map pack owners will have exclusive access to a single premium playlist that will only feature the new maps, the six versus six matchmaking and the Extraction game mode. The map pack adds eight new Achievements worth a total of 250 Gamerscore.
A new trailer showcasing the Crimson map pack is below.