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Guillermo del Toro is not creatively involved “at all” with Death Stranding

“I'm just a puppet in his hands.”

We were all very excited to see Hellboy and Pan's Labyrinth director Guillermo del Toro appear in the latest trailer for Hideo Kojima's highly anticipated, highly mysterious game, Death Stranding, suggesting that maybe the storied director would be heavily involved in its creative process, just as he allegedly was with the cancelled Silent Hills project. But it looks like that's not the case this time around.

"He's discussed his ideas so I could understand the character, but other than that I'm not involved, creatively, at all," del Toro told IGN of his role in Death Stranding.

"This is entirely Kojima-san's game. I think it's gonna be a fantastic game, 100 per cent. But this is him and his ideas. I'm just a puppet in his hands," the Pacific Rim director added in a metaphor a little on the nose given the marionette-like soldiers on cables emanating from Mads Mikkelsen's character in the trailer.

"My contribution is limited to being a cheerleader for his ideas and being scanned for long hours at a time. That's about it," del Toro reaffirmed.

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Little is known about Death Stranding's gameplay or plot other than it will be a third-person sci-fi action game featuring an open-world. The title will be exclusive to PS4 and is expected to launch before the 2020 summer olympics.

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