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GAME selling PC Portal 2 right now

"Market reaction" to Valve's Steam release.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Pop down to your local GAME or gamestation and you'll be able to buy the PC version of Portal 2, Eurogamer can reveal.

The UK's largest specialist video game retailer confirmed to Eurogamer this morning that it decided to sell the game a day early - with publisher EA's agreement - as a "market reaction" to Valve's decision to sell the game digitally through Steam on Monday morning.

The worldwide launch of the game on Steam meant UK PC and Mac owners could play the superb first-person puzzler four days before its planned 21st April launch.

Console gamers are out of luck, however. GAME confirmed that the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions will not be sold until tomorrow.

It remains to be seen whether other shops will follow GAME's lead. Gargantuan supermarket Tesco told Eurogamer it will not sell Portal 2 until tomorrow.

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